The Olympics

The Olympics have brought great excitement to our home. We’ve seen some close calls, reversed decisions, thrilling victories and lots of medals. But probably my favorite part of these Olympic games is watching them with my kids. For the first time, the girls were old enough to actually enjoy several of the sports and Tyler even joined us for a few viewings. Many nights the girls would climb in bed with me and we would stay up late, eat popcorn (yes, I actually allowed them to eat popcorn in my bed) and watch whatever events we TiVoed that day.

The girls particularly enjoyed gymnastics, swimming and diving. They even watched some equestrian and beach volleyball.

I thoroughly enjoyed sharing the Olympics with them and getting to laugh at their commentary as they learned about the Games. The following are a few of my favorite quotes:

Audrey (while watching synchronized swimming)- “Wow. That’s a lot of legs.”

Audrey-  “Mom, I want to try that sword fighting sport.” Me: “It’s called fencing.” Audrey:”What?! They build fences while they’re sword fighting?”

Ashley (when told that the Rangers would not be in the Olympics)- “They have backward canoeing in the Olympics and they don’t have baseball??!!”

When I told the girls there was trampoline in the Olympics, Audrey started to laugh. She said “Really? You can get a medal for jumping up and down.” Of course, I showed her that there’s actually more to it than just jumping up and down.

And, from Brian (I didn’t want to leave him out). While we were watching diving, the diver walked to the end of the platform, turned around and started to do a handstand. Brian said “Ok, now he’s just showing off. It’s like he’s saying “See what I can do and not die.” Then as the diver starts the actual dive, Brian adds “well, I’d already be dead!”

I can’t wait until the next Olympics so Tyler is old enough to actually pay attention. He’s sure to add to the comments!

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